Wednesday, November 4, 2020

“Good Morning, Ms. Robbins”

Not sure there could be any better way to start my day!!

October 18, 2020 – The final day of a realized five day Kandi run. Between my wife’s work schedule, the weather which allowed for a bit less yard work, and just happenstance, I was able to be myself either to get out or to take care of whatever I needed to do for the household over an extended period.

I had scheduled a shift at the art museum this morning and was thrilled to do so. The young man who checks me in and checks my temperature to allow admission, greeted me as you see above, quite enthusiastically. He couldn’t see the giant smile under my mask. It’s the little things for me that I notice, that I cherish. “She”. “Her”. “Ms. Robbins”. “Girl”. “Love”. Gold nuggets to me.

This was another mask day from leaving my garage until I parked back in the garage upon my return. So, I was able to do an electric shave, not great for Kandi without a mask, but since that wasn’t the case, great for comfort. I have finally (yeah, I’m a dumbsh!t) embraced the mask. I always wore the disposable mask. Uncomfortable. Fogged glasses. Now, especially this day, I got complements on how well my mask matched my dress.

This dress was picked up on the 90% off rack at Piece Unique. I don’t believe it cost me more than $2. It is freakin’ adorable! It is also very stiff, I am not a fan of the material. It is a Coldwater Creek dress. So at this cost, it is disposable clothing, one and done and off to consignment. But it got it’s day in the sun.

The art museum was dead as it has been on Sunday mornings (it picks up in the afternoons). So I did a lot of walking around, smiling, taking with staff and just reveling in the fact that I was as cute as I was in a very public place.

A wonderful young lady came up and remembered me. She and I had talked extensively last year at a Plexus happy hour (oh, how I miss those days). I had no idea who she was initially principally because of the mask and of course, because of my advanced age and suspect memory. This was another great moment for me.

I received complements this day on my shoes (which I do every single time I wear them), mask and overall outfit. There is a doll that works there and she is my inspiration! She always look so great. Her skirt game is fabulous! I told her I always love what she is wearing and she always prompted me to bring my “A” game. I believe I made her very happy. She was equally complementary. I just love this place!

All that said, I am very bummed. The museum is stopping the wayfinder program and starting an information desk beginning in November. The problem with that is that only one person works the desk, we had two wayfinders, so slots are limited. So I’ll still work at the museum, but not as often and that frankly sucks. Opportunities to get out in public are few and far between and now they are even fewer.

I stopped at Burlington on my way home and picked up a new bra and a piece of shapewear I love in nude (I already have it in black). I am always looking for the the right bra to wear as “me”, not that noticeable in my male clothing (not easy). I am a 24/7/365 panty girl (it’s been well over four years since I wore male underwear) and want to get near those numbers with a bra, but it’s not as easy given my dimensions and the fact that it cannot be obvious. It would please me greatly to get up every morning and put on a bra and panties and go about my day, male or female. I got one down pat, the other is a work in process. TMI, I know.

So this is me on my way to work.

Allow me to reiterate, I am so happy to be a woman and want to incorporate that into my every day life as much as is possible. Life is not as simple as this or that unfortunately.

from Kandi's Land
via IFTTTSidor som bodycontact

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