Tuesday, November 3, 2020


October 17, 2020 – Day four of the planned five day Kandi run. My wife was working late and I had dialysis duty for my Dad. So I spent the cold morning playing pickleball, took Dad to dialysis, did some painting outside on our sun room and finally a bunch of office work. Then I got everything all ready to go out after I picked Dad up, with a full shave already done. I was on a quest, which we will get to shortly.

I recently picked up some Cuddle Duds thermals at Kohl’s (I highly recommend them!), they work well for me in either mode. I have a favorite vest I love, so I had an idea for my day. I finally embraced the whole mask thing (yes, I have been wearing them, but the disposable kind) and decided to use them to my advantage.

My wife bought a bunch of different masks (she has to wear one 40 hours a week) and I love the one you see here. So knowing I would be masked 100% of the time on this outing, I was able to get ready and out the door in less than half an hour. And while I am certainly biased, I thought I looked pretty damn cute this day! I may incorporate the mask into future outfits and by taking some shortcuts, getting out a few extra times.

Without revealing too much about my personal life, our daughter is also a big music fan (they both are, but one even more so). She is trapped working at home, so she started a few months back listening to the Rolling Stone Top 500 albums (circa 2003). Every album, every track, regardless of how much she may not like it. About 30 or so albums in, Rolling Stone unexpectedly released an updated and significantly different Top 500. The list is featured in the October edition of the magazine.

What a great idea I had! Get her the magazine for Christmas, along with some other related gifts. Great for her, fun for me to shop for them. So I went to a Barnes and Noble, which has a huge magazine section, nothing. I went to another, their magazine racks were literally completely empty. I checked at a local drug store. Then another and another and another. Nothing.

My wife was also doing the same and some one suggested she check out Meijer (not that close to our home). So this began my quest on the day you see me dressed above. Meijer. Nothing. Target. Nothing. Giant Eagle. Nothing. I did a little girl shopping and then headed to Walmart. Nothing. Screw it, I’ll try to order a copy directly from Rolling Stone. On my way home, still feeling very cute, I figured I’d try one more place, a local grocery chain called Acme.

I walk into Acme and start looking around. A gentleman in a bow tie asks if he can help me find something. Another woman is also looking for something as well so he leads us, as she said, like ducklings in a row to what we were each looking for. An impressive magazine selection. All the way up top, in the very back I see Bruce Springsteen staring at me (he is on the cover of this edition). Paydirt! I was joyous! I tried to find the gentleman that helped me to thank him, but couldn’t.

This was not the day I had originally planned, but it was so very wonderful. I looked great, I interacted with quite a few people, I was proud to be a good father and the woman that I am! A simple day, a glorious day, the kind of day I treasure. Paydirt, indeed…….

I thought about naming this post “Papa Was Looking For a Rolling Stone” (sorry, Temps), but it just didn’t flow.

from Kandi's Land https://kandis328772669.wordpress.com/2020/11/03/paydirt/
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